Can water damage a smoke detector?

Can water damage a smoke detector?

If you have a smoke detector in your home, you know that it is an important device to have. But what happens if your smoke detector is exposed to water? Can water damage a smoke detector? In this blog post, we will take a look at how water can damage a smoke detector and what … Read more

How do I know if my smoke detectors are interlinked?

How do I know if my smoke detectors are interlinked?

If you have a home with multiple levels, you may be wondering if your smoke detectors are interlinked. In this blog post, we’ll show you how to tell if your smoke detectors are interlinked and what to do if they’re not. How do I know if my smoke detectors are interlinked? Most smoke detectors available … Read more

What are ionization smoke detectors most suitable for?

What are ionization smoke detectors most suitable for?

Ionization smoke detectors are most suitable for detecting fast-flaming fires, which is why they are the most common type of smoke detector found in homes. However, ionization smoke detectors are not as effective at detecting smoldering fires, which is why you may also find a photoelectric smoke detector in your home. In this blog post, … Read more

Can you mix different brands of smoke detectors?

Can you mix different brands of smoke detectors?

Most people don’t think twice about the smoke detectors in their homes. But, if you’re like me, you might start to wonder if it’s okay to mix different brands of smoke detectors. After all, they all perform the same basic function, right? Wrong. It turns out that there are some big differences between brands of … Read more